Anyconnect Arch Linux

Package Details: cisco-anyconnect 4.9.05042-1

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Cisco AnyConnect client (provided by UPV/EHU) build files for Arch Linux. Download free network tools, Cisco software and applications, Windows security tools, GFI Languard, FTP/TFTP servers and clients, Linux tools and much more.

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: cisco-anyconnect
Description: Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
Upstream URL:
Licenses: custom
Submitter: K900
Maintainer: K900
Last Packager: K900
Votes: 7
Popularity: 0.47
First Submitted: 2019-03-28 09:19
Last Updated: 2021-01-14 15:36
  • $ openconnect -u USERNAME -v -no-dtls Attempting to connect to SSL negotiation with Connected to HTTPS on GET Got HTTP response: HTTP/1.0 302 Object Moved Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 0 Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:30:03 GMT.
  • I need to connect to a cisco vpn network in order to have internet access at my university. Normaly I would have to use AnyConnect (direct link to the x64 Linux Version from the university website) but it wont work. And when I'm trying to connect with openconnect via the konsole its just tells me 'Login failed.'

Dependencies (7)

  • ca-certificates(ca-certificates-utils)
  • libxml2(libxml2-linenum, libxml2-git)
  • glib2(glib2-sched-policy, glib2-clear, glib2-quiet, glib2-selinux, glib2-nodocs-git, glib2-git, glib2-patched-thumbnailer)(optional) – required by vpnui
  • gtk2(gtk2-patched-gdkwin-nullcheck, gtk2-ubuntu, gtk2-git, gtk2-minimal-git, gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-view)(optional) – required by vpnui
  • gtk3(gtk3-cosy, gtk3-adwaita-3-32-git, gtk3-git, gtk3-ubuntu, gtk3-no_deadkeys_underline, gtk3-classic, gtk3-patched-filechooser-icon-view, gtk3-typeahead)(optional) – required by acwebhelper
  • hicolor-icon-theme(hicolor-icon-theme-git)(optional) – required by desktop shortcuts
  • webkit2gtk(webkit2gtk-mse, webkit2gtk-unstable)(optional) – required by acwebhelper

Sources (4)

K900 commented on 2019-04-03 13:02

As the comment in the PKGBUILD says (you've read it, right? ;) ), Cisco does not provide public downloads for this, so you have to obtain the installer yourself either through your own Cisco account or through your company's.

Latest Comments

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K900 commented on 2020-06-08 08:26

arthur_felps commented on 2020-06-04 21:20


@K900, @DrTphIt seems that is missing from PKGBUILD plugins list. Acwebhelper started working fine for me after I added the missing plugin to PKGBUILD and rebuilt the package:

Alternatively, you can manually copy from anyconnect-linux64-4.8.03052/vpn to /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/plugins directory and set permissions to root:root 755.

bennyboybrownlee commented on 2020-06-04 18:58

Anyconnect Arch Linux Free

I see to have an issue (operation timeout) when trying to install required updates for DART. I was able to get this far by copying my settings/profile XML files from my Ubuntu install as suggested by @K900. Anyone else having these issues and know a way around them?

DrTph commented on 2020-05-15 18:20

Thanks for the addition! I'm still having issues, but this feels like progress.

I do have webkit2gtk installed:

There is a bug report here which looks related:

But I do not see similar log messages on my system. And coredumpctl list shows nothing related to AnyConnect. And their workaround, which I'm taking as WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 vpnui is not doing anything for me.

acwebhelper is perfectly undocumented and opaque. No help messages and no source code online according to Google. With various command-line arguments I cannot get anything interesting to happen beyond a couple different-but-equally-unhelpful journal messages. So far my best attempt has been strings /opt/cisco/anyconnect/*/* | grep -C2 acwebhelper -- still no luck. I guess I can try watching the process table. But even if I can invoke acwebhelper standalone, I'm skeptical I'll get any fresh insight.

K900 commented on 2020-05-13 17:46

What happens if you just launch acwebhelper separately?

Edit: sounds like you're missing webkit2gtk. Added it as an optdepend in the latest version.

DrTph commented on 2020-05-13 17:27

It seems my acwebhelper is not working. Any suggestions? I have all dependencies installed including glib2, gtk2, and gtk3. Are the AUR packages in parenthesis also required? Please forgive my ignorance. Same issue in both Wayland and xorg.

My corp IT provided anyconnect-linux64-4.8.03052-predeploy-k9.tar.gz, which is a small version bump from 4.8.03043. I don't know if this is related or not, but that's what I'm using since that's all I have.

vpnui shows: Please complete the authentication process in the AnyConnect Login window. No other windows show. I'm not sure how I should go about diagnosing acwebhelper, assuming that's the culprit.

journalctl shows:

Yatha commented on 2020-04-26 23:34

@K900I sent my local policy to your email but I think that problem can be in downloading profile policy. When I set BypassDownloader to false in your policy I receive message that download 100% but error occured.

K900 commented on 2020-04-26 22:12

Can you post the .xml file that worked for you? Or maybe email it to me? I'd like to investigate what configuration changes got made.

Yatha commented on 2020-04-26 21:53

Anyconnect Arch Linux

I was able to use this package only as a template. I recently started using Manjaro instead Ubuntu-based. I have 4.7 version from my company that worked in Ubuntu.

For working this package:

  1. git clone and

Linux Anyconnect Vpn

1a. replace in PKGBUILD with

1b. replace in PKGBUILD _filehash with sha256sums

1c. replace in PKGBUILD manifesttool_vpn with manifesttool

But it's still not worked. I tried to change BypassDownloader to false in /opt/cisco/anyconnect/AnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml but only error was occured.

It started to work only after



I copied /opt/cisco/anyconnect/AnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml (and /opt/cisco/anyconnect/profile/*.xml) from my Ubuntu-based system.

Conclusion: You may need Ubuntu or RedHat live cd to install this package :)

Anyconnect Arch Linux Login

K900 commented on 2020-04-23 13:45