
Kanto Karaoke Video Creator is the best tool to generate karaoke songs in video format (MP4, MKV, MPG, AVI, M2TS). With this software you will be able to create karaoke videos directly from your karaoke files (MIDI, KAR, MP3, CDG+MP3 or KFN). If equipment fails because of such defects and Kanto is notified within 24 months from the date of shipment with proof of original invoice from an authorized reseller, Kanto will, at its option, provide replacement parts or replace the equipment, provided that the equipment has not been subjected to mechanical, electrical, or other abuse or modifications.

Kanto Karaoke Video Creator allows you to easily create video karaoke from your MP3+CDG Karaoke files!

What is MP3+CDG file?

MP3+CDG (named also MP3+G) is a karaoke file format that was created to allow CD+G karaoke disk to be played from a PC easily and quickly. MP3+G is the combination of the MP3 audio file and a raw CDG file which contains the song’s lyrics.

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Why Convert MP3+CDG to Video?

The main raison is that video karaoke can be played on all mobile devices and on Smart TV. You do not need to install other software to play video files.

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How to rip karaoke songs from CD+G disc?

If you have CD+G disc, you can easly rip the mp3+g files from it using a free software like CDGRip. Here are the few steps to follow to extract mp3+cdg songs from a CDG disk using this free utility:

STEP 1. Click Here to download CDGRip. Then install and open the tool.

STEP 2. Open CDGRip and it will automatically read the CDG disc (if it is already inserted in the CD player of your computer).You will see all tracks in the list.

STEP 3. Click on TAG ALL button to select all tracks and select the Destination Folder. Then click on GO Microsoft office 2013 for macbook pro free download. (green button). It will open a window where you can type a word like “SONG” and finally click OK. The software will begin to rip all mp3+g songs from the disk and saving them to the destination folder you set before.

You have now to wait 4-5 minutes.

Once all tracks will be extracted from the CDG disc, you will have two files for each song: a CDG file (Lyrics) and a MP3 file (audio).

How to convert MP3+CDG (MP3+G) to Video Karaoke?

If you want to convert these mp3+cdg files to AVI, MP4, or any other video format, you can use Kanto Karaoke Video Creator.


To convert MP3+CDG to Video Karaoke, please follow these steps:

Step 1. Download and Install Kanto Video Karaoke on your PC

Download the free trial version of Kanto Video Karaoke Creator: Free logic pro 9 download for mac.

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New: The program support batch conversion and also “cdg+wav” and “cdg+ogg” to video conversion
The trial version will allow you to convert the first 60 sec of your mp3+g files to video. To remove this limitation purchase the license.

Step 2. Import the CDG or MP3 file and choose the video output format

Click on “Browse” to add the mp3 or cdg file that you want to convert in video karaoke. Be sure that both mp3 and cdg files are in the SAME folder on your PC (and not on external disk). The program automatically matches the mp3 and the cdg file.

Then choose the output video format (MP4, AVI, MKV, MPG, or M2TS). MP4 is the default output format and it is the best format if you want play karaoke video on your tablet or smartphone too. If you click the OPTIONS button you will see the window below. Here you can choose the video quality (resolution), frame rate, video/audio encoder:

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Before the conversion, be sure to select the correct Video Encoder: go to the menu OPTIONS>VIDEO SETTINGS and select the video encoder (H.264/MPEG AAC is the codec supported by MAC and Apple devices!), see image below:

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Step 3. Set Background Image (optional)

Before the CDG to video conversion, you can add an image as background. Click on “Browse” to select the image from your PC. The image will be displayed on the right.

Step 4. Start mp3+cdg to video conversion


Choose the output folder, the output filename and finally click the START button.

When the conversion finished, you will have video files in the output folder. Now you can open them with VLC, Windows Media Player, Quick Time or with Kanto Karaoke Player, the best multimedia player designed for karaoke lovers. It allow you to create playlist, open video on dual monitor, mix video karaoke songs, etc…